A Bright Future Ahead for Ebbsfleet Green

Mar 25, 2020

Ebbsfleet Green Primary School represents yet another exciting new-build education project for gdm architects on behalf of Kent County Council and project managed by GEN2 Property Ltd.

Sitting at the heart of the Ebbsfleet Garden City, the school will provide 2FE facilities for up to 420 mainstream pupils, with a 26-place nursery and Specialist Resource Provision (SRP) for up to 15 pupils diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

In 2018, Kent County Council consulted on the creation of a new primary school in the area and subsequently ran an open competition for Multi Academy Trusts to submit bids to run the new school. Maritime Academy Trust were appointed as the successful sponsor and in doing-so, Ebbsfleet Green Primary becomes their 9th school.

The permanent building will open in September 2021 with 1FE provision (expanding to 2FE), but with strong demand for the new school resulting in 100 confirmed applications to-date, a temporary school will be established to open in September 2020 having recently received planning consent, and an application for the permanent building submitted in March of this year; both the be delivered by Kier Construction.

The Ebbsfleet Development Corporation (EDC) have been amongst the key stakeholders who have championed the delivery of the school to ensure that it meets the aspirations of the Ebbsfleet Garden City as a community-use building of high architectural merit. This has been achieved by referring to the themes described within the Ebbsfleet Green design guide to develop a cohesive architectural language that is mindful of its context and reflects the residential scale of adjacent buildings.

Working closely with the headteacher Joanne Wilkinson-Tabi, the scheme has evolved from the conventional principles of education design to create a building that supports Maritim Academy Trust’s vision of ‘collaborate’, ‘innovate’ and ‘educate’.

‘We created Maritime around an idea - education should be meaningful, children should love learning, and everyone who works with us should feel they make an impact’ - Co-Founders Nick Osborne (CEO) & Tiffany Beck (Chair of Trustees)