New homes heading to Hailsham

Nov 10, 2023

At the Wealden District Council Planning Committee yesterday our application was given a resolution to grant approval, meaning the delivery of 220 dwellings and a convenience store on a 9-acre site in Hailsham will now go ahead.

The scheme had initially been considered at committee with a recommendation to approve in June. However, although no concerns were raised regarding the design and layout of the development, a positive decision was delayed pending further information from Southern Water.

Working closely alongside the design team for our client Bellway Homes, we engaged positively with Wealden’s planning officers to devise proposals for a sensitively designed layout and homes that offer appropriate housing whilst promoting individuality and respecting local architecture.

The site has several existing constraints including changing levels, trees, hedgerows and ecology, however through strong consultee engagement, these have been managed and the resulting scheme provides a coherent masterplan with a viable mix of two, three and four bed houses as well as one and two bed flats.

35% of the new homes will be affordable and the area will also benefit from new green spaces and play areas. A great team effort and we look forward to seeing this project develop on site.